Friday, May 14, 2010

Last Day!

My conclusion to Game Design is that it was fantastic even with a few bumps! Overall my expirience was quite positive. I can't for Game Deign 2!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Guild Wars 2, Just some of the Awsomeness from it.

Back into Guild Wars for now...

Yes, I'm getting back Guild Wars! One of the best skill-based PVP games out on the market today. MMO's these days PVP have gotten out of control with balancing issues, lack of content, and only a selective few classes/powers that make the pvp in the game... It's quite sad and it just keeps getting worse. I am very dissapointed at this time at most MMO's PVP systems. But Guild Wars has gotten worse, but not nearly as bad as all the other games.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Star Craft II: Wings of Liberty

This RTS (Real Time Strategy) looks quite impressive. I HATE blizzard, but I like their RTS's. I plan tobuy this RTS jus tfor the fact it's rare for an RTS to look awsome in my eyes. I shall try this and then rate this like a true gamer!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Warped Tour

This year is not going to be as bad as I thought fo rthe most part woot!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Math is useful up to a certain point. By certain point I mean it loses all logic and there is no basis even for an architect. I don't see how some things could ever be used for math logically. Somethings in math are so completely random it seems as if a 5 year old thought this up. Lee loves math, and is a tutor, but I will never share his love. For math that is. LOL. The many things about MATH is that me going for a B.S. in graphics design will only be useful to a certain point. Even if I take coding it'll be a very specific way. So in an aspect I only maybe at the most have to learn 1-3 different things before I'm back to BASIC math for me to become a Graphics Designer...Life, it's more complicated than what it really should be.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Job Searching

So far New Martinsville has no such thing as an available job, even though they have hiring signs up. The funny thing is when I go in for job application I see some kids from high school, and a couple from college and see them working at one of the places I put an application in and I know I have better overall work ethic and grades than them and some how they get the job over meeven though I actually put the application in when they did...It's a sad little world out there *One random tear drops to the ground*