Friday, May 14, 2010

Last Day!

My conclusion to Game Design is that it was fantastic even with a few bumps! Overall my expirience was quite positive. I can't for Game Deign 2!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Guild Wars 2, Just some of the Awsomeness from it.

Back into Guild Wars for now...

Yes, I'm getting back Guild Wars! One of the best skill-based PVP games out on the market today. MMO's these days PVP have gotten out of control with balancing issues, lack of content, and only a selective few classes/powers that make the pvp in the game... It's quite sad and it just keeps getting worse. I am very dissapointed at this time at most MMO's PVP systems. But Guild Wars has gotten worse, but not nearly as bad as all the other games.